Writing relevant content for the web

Writing relevant content for the web

As the last in the article series of writing for both search engines and website visitors, this article will focus on creative ways to attracts attention to your article. Learning how to write is up to you, but we will help you get the traffic volume it deserves.

“The demand of quality and fast results are much higher in the World Wide Web; the e-reader has little to no patient or sympathy and will exit a website within seconds of arrival if information with added value is not found.”

Like we long before have established, writing for a paper and for a website are two completely different things. However in many ways they are very similar. They both write to get red and appreciated; whether it’s to keep you job at the newspaper or drive traffic to a website.

When the web writer has to compromise and make room for the element of SEO, the journalist IRL normally writes and form an article in way he/she thinks will please not themselves but the readers.

That too is a compromise of sorts. But overall online and offline writing differ to such an extent so that they could be classified as two separate professions.

You can’t bullshit website visitors

The e-reader; the internet user and her way of using it, is perhaps the greatest part that makes web copy so different. Compared to a person reading a newspaper in her kitchen while drinking her morning coffee, a person reading a newspaper online has a much faster and determined purpose. And that goes for the majority of the people surfing around on the web everyday.

The demand of quality and fast results are much higher in the World Wide Web; the e-reader has little to no patient or sympathy and will exit a website within seconds of arrival if information with added value is not found.

And though it’s important to catch the attention of the visitor, it is furthermore vital with proper content. In the real world tabloid magazines make their money on heavy headlines and poor and repeating content. Online the perfect article has a good amount of both.

No easy way to website content

  • Remember to divide a web text into smaller paragraphs á 4-6 lines. Thick text with little space will make it very hard to read.
  • Use bullet points, headers and listings to structure the content.
  • Don’t forget keywords in headers and body (SEO)
  • “5 great tips”, “10 best…”, “How to…” – Form the articles around tips and practical tricks and how to – instructions.
  • Keep it short – a long text might be good for SEO but has no relevance to its content and often loses the readers interest. Around 350 words should be enough for any regular web article.
  • Content for linking

    Bottom line is, a good article to be published online should be well-written for both it’s readers and search engine robots. SEO is unavoidable and an important part of any text you want to be red.

    However there are occasions when an article is written purely for SEO purposes; to fill out content on a website and cover up a backlink. In these cases it matters little if people actually read the article as long as the search engines do. Writing as a part of search engine optimization is here completely without the foundations of traditional journalism.

    In this case it’s about fooling Google into thinking that the link is organic due to its placement in a relevant text. So in a sense how you write an article is floating, depedent on what its purpose is.